Saturday, November 18, 2017


Thanksgiving Dinner & Cell Phones 

So, Which one of these illustrations will be your reality during Thanksgiving dinner this year?

I hope not. I know that this is someone's reality not only during family-time or holidays but it has become your norm. My recommendations are to put down your cell phones at least during Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner time-making a conscious effort to spend quality time together using VERBAL communication. 

Ways to improve your holiday or dinner experience:
1. Make an agreement to hurry and get all of the photos of your food and dinner members out of the way before digging in. 

2. Inform others that you are taking quick pictures or typing quick texts, and then redirect your attention back to them. 

3. Let the textee on the other end know that you will get back to them after spending some time with family, friends and other loved ones. 

4. Just put the phone down to enjoy your food and for proper digestion instead of rushing or taking large bites in order to engage in cell phone activities. 

Look at what Pew Research finds on the percentage of those who oppose or don't mind using cell phones during dinner:

Here's a short recap of a previous article I written about increasing coactivity/coaction within your relationships:

Nurturing relationships takes patience, impassion, empathy, unselfishness, care and love. 
Also, check out my life coaching site Here! for more info and if you need a life coach who use biblical principles/values.

In today’s culture of advance technology and its development/derivatives: Social networking such as Facebook-Twitter-The New Myspace-Blogging-Chatting-Webinar-Internet games etc., have invaded Privacy and Confidentiality! There is no more! We are easily tracked and can easily experience identity theft. It’s a no-brainer that we are bombarded with these distractions if we’re not practicing balance, wisdom and self-control from over-indulgence and gluttony. 

Key Re-establishing relationships through:
  • Coactivity entails spending time together, engaging in leisure/recreational/fitness and other activities, planning and co-creating, and brainstorming together.
  • Coaction can produce increased levels of intimacy in any relationship; even friendships.What's diminishing?Answer: Coactivity 
Definitions: n. 1. Unity of action (Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.) Coaction: Joint action; (Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.) Relationships being effected: Healthy Friendships; Nurturing/Nourishing premarital relationships; Healthy child-parent/adolescent parent relationships... 

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